Thursday, June 26, 2014


I've got my a-game on the beginning of this here mosquito season. I'm ahead 12-4.
I just got bit on my ass. I can't see or feel it so it only itches if I touch it which hardly even counts but, it makes 4.
And I have an entire ecosystem brewing in my house.
I leave the doors open all summer long when possible.
Ladybugs hibernated in my high top kitchen cieling all winter, while spiders grew in the corners.. I don't have the heart to kill most bugs anymore.. Scared centipedes I threatened into a corner demanding it to freeZe until I left. 
I had it trapped in a corner.:(
I was so scared of it but I didn't want to kill it:(
I did just kill an earwig though. And honestly think eating squirrel sounds pretty ok. But I vowed to never eat any new animals because I really think eating animals is gross. I see carcasses on the road and think - that's essentially what you eat. I remind myself of them while I eat. I think it is so disgusting. And yet I crave its texture and flavours. 
I don't think its based on nutrients though. I feel always I have surplus even when I'm tired; it's just an imbalance. 
I seriously fuxking digress; I've got this entire system that I play god in; primarily creating a mosquito free environment. Spider survival is key. And bees terrain should be separated ; never kill always remove.

I seriously believe messes in my house reproduce when nobody is watching.

And that birth exists at an intersection with another ejection?
As a newborn of any species ejects its vessel of growth, so too is a debris that once was a part of another ejecting from another reality. 

I'm just a social-loon.

When you don't agree with people who feel right ...Do you just avoid the issue?
Try to change them?
Try to change yourself? (If even just your own understandings)
Attempt to manipulate them into getting help?
Insist they need help?

This can go for anything, off the cuff - abusive relationships like the song in the other post, (Lana del something? Hit feels like a kiss?)or, mental illness- like the guy who believes in shadow boxing..
Can both parties be right?
I think if people are ok with being hit, that's fine. I don't think all violence is wrong, however, even if I feel its their choice, I admit I still think they will eventually, with growth, feel violence is wrong. I don't think it could be healthy long term. But I wonder if I'm wrong. I do believe experiencing pain has made me stronger - but for me I hurt myself so much to have added intentional pain would seem dehumanizing. But I think if I wasnt so clumsy and hurting myself I might enjoy more pain. Some people find it arousing, why not just straight enjoyable? Or beneficial if not even enjoyable. I mean I don't always like healthy foods I eat but they make me feel good.
With shadow boxing example personally I think at least some if not all "crazy" people are seeing into other worlds. They may genuinely be crazy because they can't overlap properly (think; fringe when the two buildings overlapped and them and their doubles were all intwined) but I also think some can line up well and just see more than others and still be seen as crazy and part of me wants to go alongside the shadow boxing side then part of me thinks; if people are legit in need of mental help I don't want to influence them not to.
And then I think, what if crazy? Coz I understand shadow boxing. Explicitly. 
I can separate realities but I find that its not just MY reality that blends but that the plane we all live together on is already divided... We are all living in a multi plane.  It's just the more planes you live on or witness make you a little crazier. 

I think when one "goes with their gut" they are simply seeing the chess board of another reality for a moment they can't explain and utilizing that snapshot to making the game theirs.

Monday, June 23, 2014

I can't think of what to say here. Height advantage?

Is looking at one another Eye to eye a sign of respect?
But should the shorter person raise or taller person lower?
Or should they have a more vertical relationship? 
Would you have a growth spurt willingly to be as tall as another?
If you step back a few feet and can look each other in the eye although on a slanted incline; is it just the ease of gaze?
I changed my perspective (from outward to inwards for just the first sentence.) ...Now I've overthought this. ..

I think its really important to have an easy gaze between all conversers to ensure all parties are equally understood, and therefore respected.

Secondary part..
I've moved on to wondering if an xx chromosome with the say, first x "on" can  switch x's and if so, if they could present an entirely different structure, and also if you could have partial of each x?
Because my knee has since 9 when I bumped my knee on the stairs been affecting the growth of my calf and they never lined up, the Achilles tendon has always built to the side not center. So when I broke my ankle this released the poor hold to open the door for a proper form (I'm still working on, good basis) that's not clear is it my Achilles tenon broke and it killed or pulled out the whole leg muscle, it was like a fresh opportunity and I set my ankle properly (the bulging side tendon caused it to grow at an angle) better?

It makes so much sense in my head.
I just can't imagine I'm a rarity in this case; muscles are not utilized properly. Humans are weapons with skill society is in place to keep us from finding our full strength. 
:. I laughed at work the other day and then couldn't stop because I sounded exactly like the lunatic was in my head.